Artist: CHROS-XEROX, commissioned by @talenthiel for me.

An eccentric Xaela possessed of the echo with seemingly no memories of his past or life, a stranger to all things Eorzean and perhaps even beyond.Wielding the dark power of a soul crystal he adventures in search of answers, filling the void of long sundered memories with the companionship of those who join along the way...

Source: GIPHY

"There's nothing, no memories of anything, all I remember are the stars and then winding up here..."

Source: GIPHY

Found washed ashore in Costa del Sol within Eastern La Noscea, Saikhan awoke knowing only his name and with nothing other than a pair of tattered and torn trousers.Thought to be suffering from severe aether sickness, Saikhan managed to retrieve the only clues to his past;Finding two mysterious soul crystals within a weathered satchel, the boon of the echo allowed him to glimpse into both in search of lost memories. Finding no true answer but mere flickers of a past forgotten.

Wielding the power of darkest esteem through one of the soul crystals found, a stranger in an even stranger land he set off to find answers and fragments of his past...

Artist: xKokobael, commissioned by me.

"Sometimes you just have to befriend the darkness, let it take the reigns; trust me, that's real strength."

Name: Saikhan
Age: Adult
Race: Au Ra - Xaela
Sex: Male - He/Him
Occuption: Adventurer/Occasional Retainer

To be lucky enough to be blessed with the Echo... is actually rather useful when it comes to Eorzea, who would have thunk!? Armed with both it and the dark strength of his soul crystal Saikhan has made the beginnings of a successful adventuring and retainer-service career for himself.Often finding himself embroiled with the adventurer's guild or mercenary work he travels the length and breadth of Etheirys in search of answers and a place to belong, a search that can only go so far without the occasional monster/villain/nasty-thing slaying, thwarting and general service to foot the bill.Being without one's memories also has more disadvantages than just uncertainty, without knowledge of regions, customs and the wider world in general Saikhan often finds himself in less than ideal situations and learning experiences. Though a life of adventuring is certainly helping rapidly fill in blanks in this regard, those who take the Xaela with them might have to plan accordingly.

Though similar to the infamous Dark Knights of Ishgard in armor, arms and the harnessing of one's inner darkside- the power of the soul-crystal that Saikhan possesses seems to differ in origin, imbuing the Xaela with dark arts that not only allow him to channel esoteric techniques but also allow him to unleash astounding volumes of dark-aspected aether.


  • The adventurer’s life - Are you part of the adventurer’s guild also? Perhaps you are with a group of mercenaries, perhaps we’re simply after the same dastardly fiend that needs slaying!?

  • Retainer for hire - It's not easy waking up in a strange land without two gil to rub together, but when you have certain aetherical advantages and an inexplicable, instinctual skill for service and a very very tall height- you might as well put it all to use!

  • Guardian for hire - Need someone tall and brooding to stand next to you during an important meeting? Perhaps you want something escorted? Maybe you just want him to make you a bowl of ramen. Whatever the case, as long as you have some gil!

  • The tourist - Are you also a first timer at <insert anywhere>?! Let's explore together! Little bit of banter, drinking, 'oohing' and 'ahhing'. Discovery is best in company.

  • The companion - Interested in getting involved in Saikhan's journey to recover more of his past or mysterious abilities? Perhaps he's helped you out and you wanna team up for some monster slaying- If so, do ask!

Source: GIPHY

Source: GIPHY

"With every crystal, one step closer. With every friend, one step stronger."

The stories, the companions made along the way, their memories etched forever never to be forgotten again...

(Page to be retrospectively filled with plot/RP progression, notable events, party members, companions etc.)

  • 30% Socially awkward, 70% clueless

  • Only about a quarter as moody as he looks

  • Does his own eye markings in the morning

  • Loves Gaelicats

  • Intimidated by Lalafell

  • Makes heavy use of glamour prisms for attire changing on the fly

  • Definitely a foodie

  • Awkwardly tall even by Au Ra standards

  • Yet to find an inn-room where his feet don't stick out over the bed

  • Can fall asleep almost anywhere

  • Is terrible with his gil

Artist: xKokobael, commissioned by me.

Hello there! First things first; a thank you for reading through the nonsense that is my imagination and Saikhan's carrd pages. This page will primarily be just to inform you a little bit about me, how to approach and what sort of RP and peeps I'm lookin' for!So a little bit about me! I'm 30 years old, he/him and from the UK. My availability for RP can vary a fair bit on the day to day as I already have prior committments but I'm always happy to pull others into stories or join theirs even if it might be a little slow and steady to get going!I'm open and looking to almost any sort of RP with the right sort of planning/plotting- err you know, besides killing my poor lad off.
But in general I tend to favor episodic bite-sized RPs these days that add to an overall longer narrative/relationship building.
Expect RP with Saikhan to be a mixed bag of humor, edgy, epic and at times slice of life. He really does lend to almost any RP, anything from a grand adventure, bloody battle to simply going on a Kugane shopping spree. Just expect that slight twinge of humor/goofyness to be prevelant even during his more sullen moods, he is after all a little tiny bit of dummy.Want to set some RP up? Just chat? Invite me along to an event (Yes please)Best way to do so would be to reach out to me via my discord! I'm currently playing on the EU-Chaos data centre! Though I can do RP both via discord or ingame!I hope to try and keep this carrd page updated and will probably add changes and other bits here and there over time, so please do stay tuned! (If you like of course!)

P.S. All art on this profile unless otherwise stated as sourced underneath (such as the gifs) was commissioned by me.